John [Cassavetes] loved ...

John [Cassavetes] loved actors. He gave them a lot of freedom. So if something came up that a certain actor just felt at the moment and said - that kind of improvisation he would accept. He gave very little direction.
 Gena Rowlands

Quotes from the same author

I just loved Bette Davis and the fact that I had a chance to work with her [on the 1979 TV movie Strangers: The Story of a Mother and Daughter] was momentous.
 Gena Rowlands
Because John Cassavetes was so terrific in live TV, a lot of his friends had not been able to participate in that yet and so they asked if he would gather with them at night when I was at the play and tell them what live TV was like, what you had to adjust to because it was its own medium - it had many things you had to be aware of.
 Gena Rowlands
I went to the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, which was in Carnegie Hall, which itself was exciting - just to walk into it.
 Gena Rowlands
Every sacred cow in the business has to do with economics.
 Gena Rowlands
I love independent filmmaking. I don't agree with a lot of it, but that's the point.
 Gena Rowlands